In 2022, USAID, in partnership with Amazon, BHP Foundation, and Chandler Foundation, announced its first activity under the Countering Transnational Corruption Grand Challenge for Development (CTC Grand Challenge): the Powering a Just Energy Transition Green Minerals Challenge (JET Minerals Challenge).
The JET Minerals Challenge catalyzes the development, application, and scaling of innovations to counter corruption and strengthen transparency, accountability, and integrity in the global rush to meet the unprecedented demand for green minerals.
This open call for innovation welcomed concepts from all sectors and geographies to submit both new ideas and proven approaches to reduce corruption in green mineral supply chains.
USAID received nearly 60 concepts drawing from expertise around the world, and following a rigorous selection panel composed of industry experts, 20 have been selected as semi-finalists. Learn more about the semi-finalists and their innovative concepts here.
The JET Minerals Challenge semi-finalists will join an in-person two-day innovation bootcamp hosted alongside the OECD Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains in April 2023. Follow their journey and receive updates on the successful finalists by visiting the CTC Grand Challenge website or joining our CTC Grand Challenge network by emailing us at [email protected].
The selected concepts represent significant diversity, geographically, sectorally, and in terms of the type of organization - including thirteen women-led lead organizations. More than half of the innovative concepts propose global or regional initiatives to address transnational corruption, while eight focus on a single country.
Covering 18 unique geographies, some concepts address green mineral supply chains generally, whereas others target specific green minerals supply chains - ranging from lithium and tin, tungsten, and tantalum (known as the 3T’s) to manganese and rare earth elements.
The JET Minerals Challenge semi-finalists were announced and honored during a Summit for Democracy Side Event: Powering a Just Energy Transition Green Minerals Challenge: Harnessing Innovation and Partnership to Counter Transnational Corruption in Green Mineral Supply Chains, on Monday, March 27th, from 9:00-10:15 AM ET. The session, hosted by the USAID Anti-Corruption Task Force, featured an interactive discussion with partners and innovators, highlighting how solutions funded through the JET Minerals Challenge will create impact and inspire change.