What we fund
When TAI started in 2010, there was no established international accountability field. The number and capacity of organizations working for greater accountability and related goals has grown fast, many with support from TAI members. Today, our members support a broad range of organizations at global and local levels that work at the intersection of rights, participation, and accountability to advance more just, equal, inclusive, open, and green societies.

What does TAI members' funding look like?
ADVOCATES partnering with communities and other stakeholders to ensure tax and budget policies realize rights and reduce inequalities
GRASSROOTS ORGANIZERS working with indigenous groups to document the plunder of their lands and assert their rights in the courts.
INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISTS uncovering dodgy deals that favor the politically connected.
RESEARCHERS proving the value of inclusive participatory processes in shaping government policy.
TECHNOLOGISTS guiding civil society groups to use data from multiple sources to back up their policy asks.
THINK TANKS pinpointing government revenues lost due to loopholes in international tax agreements.
Funding Data Library
Funding Data Library
You can explore data related to over $500 million in active transparency and accountability grants in TAI’s member funding database.
GRANTMAKERS find peers to engage around new portfolio thinking and new partners you might want to connect with.
GRANT SEEKERS find out which funders are supporting your issues, or identify new peer groups you might want to meet.
Read MoreWhy it matters

TPA Full Disclosure: Katharine Knox on movement-building in the TPA (transparency, participation, and accountability) sector

TPA Full Disclosure: The Podcast! Diakhoumba Gassama on the third African Philanthropy Conference.

TPA Full Disclosure: Accountability Initiative on building capacity towards responsive government
Pathways to change
This represents critical causal pathways common to TAI donor members’ theories of change. It is in no way a representation of pathways to change for the Transparency, Participation and Accountability field as a whole.
TAI Resources

TAI Weekly | Maverick Momentum - Rewriting the Policy Playbook

Introducing TAI's 2024 Annual Report: Advancing Participatory Governance Amidst Global Uncertainty