
TPA Full Disclosure: HRFN heads on embedding values at the core of grantmaking

By TAI (Role at TAI)

What should you do when you find a great partner to work with? “Work with that partner again,” says Ana Maria Enríquez, the Executive Director of Human Rights Funders Network (HRFN) of her Deputy, Kellea Miller. Ana Maria and Keller had worked on some human-rights-related projects in the past before fate brought them together again at HRFN to work side-by-side. Drawing on fifty years of collective experience, they are advocating and leading conversations to strengthen human rights activities and funding.

At HRFN, Ana Maria and Kellea work with funders to put into practice what it means for people and organizations to work in intersectional ways while keeping a pulse on major issues of the day and reimaging what it means to give and receive.

We sat with Ana Maria and Kellea to discuss HRFN’s open philanthropic concept and how the network is putting value at the core of grantmaking. They want to ensure that more, better, and flexible funding reaches the people that really need it and that the human rights movement is driven by those embedded in the movement themselves.


Catch up with Ana Maria (@AMEyLAMar) and Kellea (@kelleamiller) on Twitter and get more update on what the Human Rights Funders Network is up to at @hrfunders.

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