
PCT Side Event: Filling the Tax Capacity Gap? Potential for Aligned Funding Approaches for Civil Society and Government

By TAI (Role at TAI)

Join us at the first global conference of the Platform for Collaboration on Tax in New York for an event exploring how to build the capacity of the tax sector – we look forward to seeing you!

Filling the Tax Capacity Gap? Potential for Aligned Funding Approaches for Civil Society and Government

Thursday, February 15, 1:30-2:30pm

Conference Room 12, UN Conference Venue†the 

Discussants: Vera Mshana, Ford Foundation and Alvin Mosioma, Tax Justice Network Africa

Chair: Michael Jarvis, Transparency and Accountability Initiative

The need for capacity building on international taxation is clear, reflective of the importance of effective tax policy and administration for development, and the complexity of the issues involved. Capacity building of government officials is a priority, but other stakeholders also need capacity support to support accountability for good tax outcomes – parliamentarians, civil society groups and journalists among them. Demand for training and other forms of support far outstrips supply on both fronts. Yet there has been limited investment in assessing the effectiveness of different capacity building approaches or exploring the potential to align different donor and provider efforts.

This session will introduce headline findings of a mini-review of capacity building support providers – focused on those working with civil society groups – to spark a conversation on how we can improve effectiveness of tax capacity building efforts through greater collaboration. Discussion will focus on such issues as:

  • The potential for more cost-effective ways to meet demand e.g. through increased use of online trainings
  • The value (and potential pitfalls) of having government and non-government actors participate in trainings together
  • How to better align public and private funding for tax capacity building support
  • Exploring forms of support beyond training e.g. secondments/fellowships, and navigating the risks of retaining expertise in the public or civil society sectors

The Transparency and Accountability Initiative is a collaborative of funders committed to good governance – Ford Foundation, Hewlett Foundation, Omidyar Network, Open Society Foundations, MacArthur Foundation and the UK Department for International Development.  They have identified international tax as a shared priority.  Many are funding various forms of capacity building, notably of civil society groups around the world. 

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