TAI Weekly

TAI Weekly|Turning Point: Historic Ruling in Corporate Accountability

By TAI (Role at TAI)


Claudia Chwalisz of DemocracyNext stresses the importance of revisiting core elements like agency, trust, and connection, and integrating our relationship with the natural world into rethinking governance. 

Gavin Hayman details how Ukraine’s DREAM (Digital Restoration Ecosystem for Accountable Management) is about delivering smart management and full transparency of Ukraine’s recovery and reconstruction effort.

Mark Pyman and Paul Heywood have a new book analyzing Sector Based Action Against Corruption available for free download. 

Spencer Woodman asks why the US tax agency is going soft on billionaires, easing penalties on the wealthiest individuals and corporate tax evaders.

The Kettering Foundation's Democracy Around the Globe team hosted a webinar on 'Recognizing and Countering Global Authoritarian Trends to deepen understanding of the democratic landscape and illuminate authoritarian threats.

Cecilia Galvan and Gaston Wright argue that the case of Argentina's 2023 elections points to the power of digital landscapes in shaping democratic outcomes.

In May, the UNDP Gender Seal Team and Tax for SDGs Initiative led capacity building to educate public officers from four tax administrations in both Nigeria and Ghana on integrating gender equality into taxation policies and services.

Missed the recent Convening of On Think Tanks including some fascinating governance-related insights? Read the recap and join the Think Tank sector survey.

The OECD Development Assistance Committee presents proposals for increasing financing for gender equality initiatives, including support for local women's rights organizations, feminist movements, women's funds, and governmental partners.


Our series on democratic innovations hosted with People Powered and Open Government Partnership is in full gear. Watch the first session on participatory approaches within digital governance here, and the second webinar on Inclusive Democracy, here. There are two more Webinars - today’s on Climate Democracy and next July 2 on Mainstreaming Participation. Register now to save your spot. 


OPEN SOCIETY FOUNDATIONS: Speaks out on "The Troubling March of 'Foreign Agents' Laws," critically examining Georgia's law on transparency of foreign influence, the latest in a disturbing trend of legislation by authoritarian governments aimed at stifling independent civil society globally.

FORD FOUNDATION: Announces a Request for Light-Touch Proposals focused on cross-field learning for a just energy transition, with a particular emphasis on Africa.

MACARTHUR FOUNDATION: Invites you to a dinner event to learn how their nine-year, multi-faceted, systems-approach to tackling corruption is progressing. Hear from grantee partners as they share learnings and evidence from the Gender, Equity, and Social Inclusion approach to reducing corruption and advancing accountability through the foundation’s On Nigeria Program.

TAI:  Want to understand the flow of official development assistance and philanthropic funds to the information ecosystem? See the full recording of last week’s conversation hosted with the OECD and Center for International Media Assistance (CIMA). Discussion centered on the funding mappings by CIMA, TAI and OECD. Don’t have time to watch the webinar?  Read the explanatory blog and this related commentary published by Nishant Lalwani and James Deane from the International Fund for Public Interest Media.


WINGS advocates for a pivotal shift in philanthropic strategy across Latin America, urging philanthropic organizations to move away from isolated initiatives and towards partnerships that address the scale, complexity, and urgency of the Sustainable Development Goals.

The Asia Foundation reflects on its commitment to 'thinking and working politically,' an approach that advocates for adapting to the complex network of interests within policy environments and prioritizing indigenous leadership over external solutions.

Navigating the challenge of resource allocation and support for community-based organizations in the Global South can be complex (a hot topic at TAI’s recent Learning Days). Bridgespan makes the cases that philanthropic collaboratives can help.

Philea Forum 2024 facilitated discussions on practical strategies and innovative approaches to bolster philanthropy's pivotal role in fostering trust within democratic systems, institutions, and across generations.


Don't miss the keynote address by Sri Mulyani Indrawatii, Indonesian Minister of Finance, during the launch of the Open Budget Survey 2023. “[...] Without credibility, transparency, and accountability, there is no trust in the budget and the Ministry of Finance,” says the Minister.


Corporate Accountability - A Landmark Ruling But Worries Elsewhere

After 17 years of litigation, victims of paramilitary violence in Colombia secured a landmark victory in a U.S. court. Earth Rights International's long-standing assertion that Chiquita knowingly funded the AUC, a designated terrorist group, for-profit despite its severe human rights abuses has been validated by the jury's decision. This historic verdict ensures compensation for some victims and their families directly affected by Chiquita's actions. More cases are pending against the company.

A long-term investigation in Mozambique reveals that the timber trade, driven by significant exports to China, not only violates a log export ban but funds violent insurgents in Cabo Delgado province. The Environmental Investigation Agency reports that systemic corruption in Mozambique's timber sector enables the laundering of conflict timber, facilitated by major global shipping lines transporting the timber to China.

More positive news in the fishing sector as the governments of Ecuador and Chile made commitments to the Fisheries Transparency Initiative (FiTI).. This development is crucial for enhancing transparency and public involvement in fisheries management across the Latin America region, while also supporting the effective implementation of the Escazu Agreement.

Looking big picture, Empower's recent report on corporate capture of the state highlights critical challenges and gaps, particularly in the Global South. The authors underscore the need to scale up and replicate innovative strategies and opportunities to counteract the wide-ranging and detrimental effects of corporate capture.




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