In a historic vote driven by the Africa Group, UN members vote to create UN tax convention, although it was striking to see the number of OECD countries voting no. Negotiations on the convention will begin next year and Nosmot Gbadamosi asks if it will empower Africa.
Forty-eight countries pledge to implement global tax transparency standards for crypto-assets by 2027.
Transparency International analysis looks at accessibility of beneficial ownership registers across the EU one year after the Court of Justice of the EU ruling prioritizing privacy. 13 out 27 Member States, journalists and civil society organizations encounter obstacles or are completely unable to access information regarding companies' real owners.
In the face of pressures on democracy and authoritarianism on the rise, international civil society calls for creation of a UN Special Rapporteur on Democracy.
How can civil society engage safely and effectively at COP28? This Guide, produced by Global Climate Legal Defense, is designed for climate advocates and activists, including information about the United Arab Emirate’s legal framework.
At the COP, Oxfam will be highlighting a new report showing the links between climate and inequality. “Since the 1990s the richest 1% have burned through more than twice as much carbon as the bottom half of humanity.”
In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, the significance of robust data governance has become paramount, transitioning from a niche concept to a cornerstone of organizational success. Open Data Institute delves into the pillars, roles, and levels of data governance, emphasizing its indispensable role in the era of artificial intelligence.
The turmoil at OpenAI adds fuel to European concerns on the technology’s dependence on US big tech, and also adds to concerns on diversity - after two female members stepped down, OpenAI’s board is now all white male.
We don’t talk much about luxury brands in the TAI Weekly but it seems they are proving slow to improve their transparency despite growing consumer pressure.

The UK released its new White Paper on International Development. It contains a lot of food for thoughts to those interested in good governance. You can read what stood out to TAI’s Michael Jarvis here.

Released the Chandler Papers - in the first of a series of publications, Shamila Batohi, Christopher Stone, and other global experts reflect on the crucial necessity for a strategic reset of anti-corruption efforts.
Eight years on, the Paris Agreement hasn’t delivered on climate justice. Vulnerable countries and communities contributing the least to climate crises still suffer the most. OSF’s Yamide Dagnet asks, could COP28 help redress climate change inequality?
Teamed up with Colombian journalist María Jimena Duzan for a special podcast series, “Democracia A Fondo!”. As Felipe Estefan explains, this 10-episode series is your passport to understand the challenges, triumphs, and future of democratic governance in Colombia.

The Human Rights Funders Network (HRFN) reminds us of the troubling lack of direct, flexible funding for human rights in the Global South and East. For example, a third of funding for North American human rights initiatives comes as flexible funding, compared to just one in ten of grant dollars for Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
Agência Lupa, based in Brazil, has taken an innovative approach to addressing the global challenge of disinformation by launching an interactive map called LupaMundi. This tool serves as a valuable resource for journalists, offering insights into national and supranational laws worldwide aimed at regulating disinformation online.
A new supplement to Stanford Social Innovation Review recently hit the digital shelves. Titled ‘Philanthropy and Power’, this publication features insights from many incredible thought leaders within the Solidaire community on philanthropy's accountability in terms of holding power.
Remittances by the African diaspora play a central role in keeping people out of poverty and advancing community prosperity. While they might lack the structure and formality of traditional philanthropy, Tsitsi Masiyiwa argues formal donors should be seeking ways to amplify their impact.

TAI’s Eszter Filippinyi interviews Gustavo Gómez, Executive Director of Observacom, and Guilherme Canela, Head of Freedom of Expression and Safety of Journalists at UNESCO reflect on the current debate on regulating online communication platforms. Read the summary both in English and Spanish, and listen to the recording in Spanish

Asia, the new economic epicenter: Philanthropy, Infrastructure Dominance, and Gender Inequality
Asia has emerged as the epicenter of wealth, boasting 951 billionaires, surpassing both the United States and Europe, as reported by Nikkei Asia. This surge in affluence is accompanied by promising signs of a shift towards philanthropy among the continent's elite. A poll of business leaders revealed that nine out of 10 expressed their commitment to fostering public/private partnerships for social good and addressing environmental challenges. Should these intentions materialize, Bridgespan that an impressive $701 billion annually could be mobilized, aligning with the philanthropic standards set by the United States.
In the meantime, state support far eclipses philanthropic and it is China that has assumed the mantle of the world's foremost provider of infrastructure financing to the developing world, contributing over $85 billion annually. Yet, a concerning lack of transparency shrouds the environmental repercussions of these projects. A detailed study on Chinese government-funded road improvements in Cambodia, where $4 billion has been injected into 30 projects spanning 3000 km over two decades, reveals a stark environmental toll with a substantial decline in forest cover, particularly impacting nearby plantations, where over half of tree cover has been lost post-construction.
Adding gender perspective, Transparency International's latest paper, 'Corruption through Gender Lens' sheds light on the intersection of corruption and gender inequality in Asian and Pacific countries. Drawing insights from focus group discussions in Cambodia, Fiji, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka, the findings underscore a troubling reality: corruption exacerbates gender inequality, posing a significant impediment to anti-corruption endeavors.

This funny video by the Human Services Council is several years old, but is still sadly relevant, despite some funders making notable efforts to change their grant-making practice to more trust-based support.

Job postings at Hewlett Foundation - ONGOING
Job postings at MacArthur Foundation - ONGOING
Job postings at Open Society Foundations - ONGOING
Job postings at Luminate - ONGOING
Job postings at Ford Foundation - ONGOING
Job postings at FCDO - ONGOING
Job postings at Skoll - ONGOING

Illicit Finance Programme Lead - Joffe Trust
Senior User Research and Design Manager - Open Contracting Partnership
Senior Engagement Manager, Executive Office - ClimateWorks Foundation
Regional Coordinator for Africa - Coalition for Human Rights in Development
Program Associate - Funders Organized for Rights in the Global Economy (FORGE)
Portfolio Manager - Africa Visionary Fund
Digital Media Coordinator, Philanthropic Partnerships and Influence - Thousand Currents

Global Call for Contributions of the International Observatory On Information and Democracy - Forum Information & Democracy.
New RFP launched by The SAGE Fund and the Ford Foundation's Future of Work(ers) program on care. Grants will support work on policies, laws, narratives, and norms advancing a fair social organization of care, including both paid and unpaid care work. Projects should take place in Africa, Asia, Latin America and/or the MENA region.
You can still apply to join the Fix the Flow fellowship as a fundraiser or funder.
V-Dem has a Call for Country Experts - Bahrain, Fiji, Guinea, New Zealand, Somaliland, Trinidad and Tobago
Philea is looking for a consultant for building International Cooperation and Global Partnerships
The Government of the Netherlands launched a call for proposals for organizations working in the most fragile and conflict-affected settings across the world, contributing to building peaceful, just and inclusive societies.
The OECD invites public input on proposed changes to the Commentary on Article 5 of the OECD Model Tax Convention and its application to extractible natural resources.
Journalism prize honors anti-corruption reporting in Brazil - apply now.

GPSA Webinar: Global South Perspectives: Shaping Climate Finance for a Sustainable Future, 28 November, 2023
Launch of Environmental Corruption Deep Dive Report, 28 November, 2023
Reforming “The Dictators’ Bank”: Revelations from recent investigative reporting into the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), 30 November, 2023
Emerging Impacts: The Effects of MacKenzie Scott’s Large, Unrestricted Gifts, 30 November, 2023
Panel discussion on beneficial ownership transparency at TI Canada’s Day of Dialogue 30 November, 2023
Second Asia Philanthropy Congress (in Tokyo or online) 1 December, 2023
#ShiftThePower Summit, 5-7 December, 2023
Financial Data Transparency Act Pitchfest, 6 December, 2023
Investigative journalism conference, COLPIN, 6 December, 2023
The Future of Development and the Environment, 7 December, 2023
Conference of State Parties, UN Convention Against Corruption, Atlanta, 11 - 15 December 2023
Breakout session on Beneficial Ownership and the misuse of Corporate Vehicle at the Anti-Corruption Civil Society Forum- 11 December 2023
“Exploring multi-faceted approaches to prevent corruption and enhance accountability”, 12 December 2023
Alliance livestream - 2023: A Year in Philanthropy, 13 December 2023
Implementing beneficial ownership reforms: national progress, 13 December 2023
Symposium on Systems of Financial Secrecy co-hosted by Open Ownership and the LSE International Inequalities Institute, 21 February 2024

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