TAI Weekly

TAI Weekly |"COP 27 Must Be The Place, And Now Must Be The Time"

By TAI (Role at TAI)

Dear Readers:  

The COP27 kicked off on Monday in Egypt and amid doubts about the effectiveness of the summit and with the absence of major powers such as Russia and China, UN Secretary General António Guterres has called for "credible climate action". But, what can we really expect from COP27 in terms of governance?


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P.S. Remember, TAI doesn't own the photos. All photos used in this weekly have a link to their source.



The 2022 WJP Rule of Law Index is out! This year’s Index covers 140 countries and jurisdictions around the world and provides data and insights on key indicators of rule of law adherence–including fundamental rights, absence of corruption, and access to justice. 

See how nonprofits are supporting Gambia’s  Democracy by Improving Government Communication and Public Engagement.

USAID is launching Strengthening Transparency and Accountability through Investigative Reporting – a new five year, $20 million program, subject to the availability of funds, to be implemented by the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project. It will support collaborative investigative journalism networks, foster investigative outlets’ organizational and financial viability, and advance proactive, holistic approaches to safety and security.  


The International Federation for Human Rights is 100 years old but still looking to shape the rights agenda. The right to truth, the right to protect our digital lives, the right to universal basic income… what human rights will we need to defend during the next 100 years?



Highlights the words of Climate Justice Director, Yamide Dagnet: “When combined with prevailing social, economic, and environmental vulnerabilities, the climate crisis both undermines and limits the wealth, growth, development, dignity, and very existence of vulnerable countries.” 


Announces the newest focus area of Omidyar Network, its fellow philanthropic partner. The focus on Building Cultures of Belonging will complement existing investment in Responsible Technology and Reimagining Capitalism.


Announces 10 new commissions for innovative works in media arts


Want to know who are your fellow funders on an issue? Publish What You Fund has two new guides for anyone wishing to track international funding for women’s economic empowerment or financial inclusion in their own country. They describe how to collect and analyse international funding data to better understand the funding directed to these topics.

Is your current grantmaking practice trust-based or data-driven, or both? 

Is philanthropy taking the wrong approach to addressing polarisation? Chris Stackaruk calls for abandoning failed approaches [paywall].

Philip Roje looks at why there are so few social justice funders active in the US and his conclusion is applicable for those also funding internationally: “philanthropic funders must get comfortable with politics-adjacent funding. But they also need to be willing to back a long game, sticking with their policy and movement support even when the environment… turns sour.”

In this animation, TAI explores how transparency, accountability, and participation tools and approaches could support the efforts toward a just climate transition. This is premium content, only for our weekly subscribers. 


The Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy offers the Constitutions for democracy podcast. Find out why and how citizens are being involved in the designing of constitutions worldwide today.


More than 120 heads of state and representatives from 200 countries are attending COP27 as of Monday. They will outline what they expect from the summit: For developed countries, moving more quickly to renewable energy is one of the main objectives. On the other hand, developing countries, lagging behind in climate change action, expect previous funding commitments to be upheld.

Governments like Colombia´s can show up at COP27 with more credibility following its congressional approval for tax increases on wealth and fossil fuels, a significant win for President Gustavo Petro.

On the other hand, civil society players such as The Natural Resource Governance Institute will argue at COP27 that mining can be a triple win, benefiting Africa’s citizens, environment and energy transition.

NGOs have their own recommendations for advancing climate justice through increased recognition and protection of land and environmental defenders.

Finally, check out this timely compilation of Africa-based research organizations working on climate-related technical and policy issues. 


The Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy offers the Constitutions for democracy podcast. Find out why and how citizens are being involved in the designing of constitutions worldwide today. 


Corruption seems to have worsened under Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari‘s watch. Uche Igwe states that the “government machinery is captured and controlled by a few individuals whose agenda is to favour sectional interests and alienate others”.

Commodities giant Glencore has been flying cash around Africa by private jet to win deals, but this week faced consequences with a record UK fine of $310m for bribery. 

New UN research suggests close to $1 trillion in multinational corporate profits were shifted to tax havens in 2019.

A CEO Poll highlights that corruption trounces inflation as a top economic risk for the Philippines.

Have you heard about “Reforming Global Standards on Beneficial Ownership Transparency”? This campaign calls on countries to develop standards to unmask those behind corporate structures.


Job postings at Hewlett Foundation - ONGOING

Job postings at MacArthur Foundation - ONGOING

Job postings at Open Society Foundations - ONGOING

Job postings at Luminate - ONGOING

Job postings at Ford Foundation  - ONGOING

Job postings at FCDO - ONGOING

Job postings at Skoll - ONGOING 


Program Officer, Democratic Protection- Latin America Program, Open Society Foundations 

Collective Care Mapping Consultant, Urgent Action Fund for Women’s Human Rights 

New members to join Advisory Board, Funders Initiative for Civil Society

Human Resources Coordinator, Urgent Action Fund for Women’s Human Rights

2022 Audit Services Consultant, Urgent Action Fund for Women’s Human Rights

Senior Development Officer, Urgent Action Fund for Women’s Human Rights

Consultant: Urgent Action Sister Funds Global Care Research Podcast Producer- Russian & English Speaking, Urgent Action Fund for Women’s Human Rights

Strategy Design Lead, Human Rights Watch

Program Advisor, Organisational and Network Strengthening, Ignite Philanthropy

Researcher-Advocate (Human Rights & Equalities), Tax Justice Network 

Senior Researcher-Advocate (Climate & Inequalities), Tax Justice Network

Impact Lead for Civic Rights in a Digital Era, Hivos


The Out of the Shadows Index is a powerful accountability tool tracking national-level progress against sexual violence against children across 60 countries. The tool is looking for a permanent host organization. Check the RFP & see if yours is a match. 

Grant opportunities from the Narratives Network Initiative

Request for Statements of Interest for the DRL FY22 Internet Freedom Annual Program RoundU.S. State Department's Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor.

Contest for investigative stories on bribery, TRACE International


November 8 and 9, 2022, Strengthening Mechanisms for Ensured Protection & Safety of Whistleblowers in Africa" 

November 9, 2022, The role of media in exposing corruption: are we losing the battle?

November 9, 2022, We need to talk about procurement

November 10, 2022, The Nexus between Tax Justice and Investment Governance in Africa

November 17, 2022, Building trust and reinforcing democracy - OECD Global Forum

November 17, 2022, The New Customary Land Rights Act in Sierra Leone: Bringing informed community consent to responsible investment,

December 6-10 2022, “International Anti-Corruption Conference,

Michael Jarvis,

TAI's Executive Director

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