As for all, the coronavirus pandemic has overshadowed all in the first half of the year – causing enormous disruption worldwide that inevitably extended to TAI members, member’s grantees, and Secretariat. For TAI’s operations, this has meant an adjustment to work remotely for both Secretariat and member staff alike. While this has not proven as disruptive for TAI as for some organizations, it has no doubt impacted productivity. Nevertheless, TAI and its members are adjusting as fast as we can. We are aided by a new strategy that is well-suited to adaptation.
Our 2020 semi-annual report features what our members are doing re-COVID, some important work ongoing from pre-COVID, and how we are shifting our work in support of our new strategy with an emphasis on flexibility and responsiveness – including popular tailored support to individual members. The emphasis is on assessing progress and learnings that we hope are useful for those in the transparency, participation and accountability field and to other funder collaboratives.