More than a decade of investment in transparency efforts has resulted in the improved availability of government and corporate data. Still, there has been a persistent gap in translating more data into greater accountability.
The Data for Accountability Initiative (D4A) was launched by the Transparency and Accountability Initiative (TAI) to explore why donor investments in the availability of data have not led to more impact. D4A focused on the use of data to solve problems related to public decision-making, corruption, and the misuse of public resources.
The initiative included country scoping and subsequent funding of projects by: Transparencia por Colombia (TC) and Corporación Comisión de Juristas Akubadaura (CCJA), working with a focus on extractive industries in Colombia; the Human and Environmental Development Agenda (HEDA), working on tracing and repatriating illicit assets; the Public Private Development Centre (PPDC), working on open contracting in Nigeria.
Global Integrity (GI) was hired as a partner for the initiative to provide monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) support to the grantees, facilitate multi-stakeholder dialogue, act as a bridge between TAI members and grantees, and distill lessons from each country and across countries.
This report is part of a series of D4A outputs including: a scoping report for Nigeria; landscape reviews for Nigeria and Colombia; notes about donor collaboration in Nigeria and Colombia, and GI’s role as learning partner; pieces drawing lessons from the work in Colombia and Nigeria.
Intrigued to know the key messages that emerged from this evidence and review? Download the full report.