
Civil Society Engagement in Tax Reform

By TAI (Role at TAI)


Over the past few years, there has been increased attention from donors on the role that civil society organizations can play in domestic efforts to strengthen tax systems. However, the literature on civil society engagement in tax reform remains limited, consisting primarily of isolated donor program reports.

It is for this reason that the Transparency and Accountability Initiative (TAI) commissioned the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) to produce a report on Civil Society engagement in tax reform.

Commenting on the report, Executive Director at Transparency and Accountability Initiative, Michael Jarvis said, “This report clarifies the important roles civil society actors do and can play in assuring equitable and sustainable domestic resource mobilization. It also points to shifts needed on the donor side to help local partners fulfill that potential.”

Drawing on a rapid survey of tax civil society in eight countries (Brazil, El Salvador, Kenya, Nigeria, the Philippines, Uganda, the United States and Zambia), the report also addresses the following questions:

  • What’s the appetite for civil society engagement on tax issues and why?

  • (If there is an appetite), what is civil society ‘s capacity for engagement as well as its influence on tax issues

  • What kind of support do international development actors provide to civil society about tax issues?

  • What form might more effective support to civil society actors take? How would current mechanisms of support to civil society become more effective?

Get answers to these questions and more when you download the report.


190925 Civil society engagement Report

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