TAI Weekly

TAI Weekly|What is happening to Democracy in the world?

By TAI (Role at TAI)


In a new policy brief, Madeleine Songy highlights the detrimental impact of current international investment treaties on tax justice and sustainable development, emphasizing the need to reform international investment law to advance these goals.

The West African Community Organizing Institute, supported by the National Endowment for Democracy, trained 30 young activists from nine West African countries and Cameroon in advocacy skills to amplify their impact.

Martin Hearson lays out what is needed to make the most of a UN tax convention. Now you can compare to what is the zero draft terms of reference for the convention - the UN is seeking comments by June 21.

Leading debt justice groups argue that climate justice cannot be attained without debt justice. Their collective brief advocates for comprehensive debt cancellation and grant-based climate finance as the real, achievable pathways forward.

Martha Ramirez details the efforts of a number of major philanthropies (including TAI members) to combat disinformation in the US. Similar investments are needed worldwide.

The European Union has greenlit establishing a new financial crime agency headquartered in Frankfurt, as part of a substantial package aimed at combating money laundering.

An investigation into alleged corruption and the capture of the Republic of Congo's healthcare system reveals the stark contrasts - a refurbished hospital just for the ruling family, while health indicators for the majority are at alarming levels.  

African tax transparency initiatives have revealed €2 billion in uncovered revenue.

A comprehensive toolkit is now available to support exiled journalists in navigating the complexities of launching or relocating media outlets abroad.

A newly launched global tracker aims to address the lack of transparency surrounding Investor-State Dispute Settlements.

A reminder that WRI, the Huairou Commission, and SouthSouthNorth, partners in the Green Accountability Platform, are inviting civil society organizations in Bangladesh, Brazil, Cameroon, Mexico, and Senegal to submit proposals for support to enhance civil engagement in climate action. Deadline this Friday!


How can governments raise more revenue in a fair, transparent, and effective manner?

Camille Barras, LoGRI policy lead, talks about a project in Togo on designing simplified methods to raise revenue from property taxation.


OPEN SOCIETY FOUNDATIONS: Binaifer Nowrojee, the first woman of the Global South to head Open Society Foundations, shares how she got to her new role

HEWLETT FOUNDATION: Amber D. Miller, an astrophysicist and pathbreaking university leader who has served as a dean at both the University of Southern California and Columbia University, has been named the next president of the foundation. She will begin the role in September.

LUMINATE: TAI´s Steering Committee member Toyin Akinniyi reflects on why technology will feature more prominently in elections this year around the world.


"Viewing the issues you care about through a gender lens is like wearing glasses you didn’t know you needed". The Bridgespan Group outlines five key considerations for funders to integrate gender into their work to enhance impact across various areas such as climate change, education, and political representation.

Marc Moorghen from MacArthur Foundation share takeaways from the 2024 Asian Venture Philanthropy Network Global Conference, centered on how philanthropy is not just about money but also compassion, empathy, and community. 

Online free course (in Spanish): Racionalidad y Diálogo. El curso está dirigido solamente a: Legisladores, funcionarios del Poder Ejecutivo, Asesores legislativos, líderes de la sociedad civil y dirigentes de partidos de Argentina, Perú, Chile, Colombia, Paraguay y Uruguay. Todos los miércoles del mes de junio 10AM Colombia y Perú; 11AM Paraguay y Chile 12PM Argentina. Regístrese.

We had lots of conversations about intersectionality in our recent Learning Days in México City. Cathleen Kerklin delves deepr - explorin the term’s true meaning, common misconceptions, and the potential benefits of a deeper comprehension for the social sector. 


Mónica Tapia, co-founder of Auna in Mexico - a strategy made by women to promote their presence in politics and high positions of power - spoke in A Fondo about the result of the elections in Mexico, which saw Claudia Sheinbaum elected as the country's first woman president. 


Democratic Roundup from Around the Globe

New democratic leadership often brings hopes of economic and social reform. Mexico’s voters may have been voting for more of the same with a resounding repeat victory for the Morena party, but in Iceland, Halla Tomasdottir, the 55-year-old businesswoman and CEO of B Team, takes the helm as president, championing economic systems change and sustainable corporate norms.

Reflecting on Latin America's political climate, Alice Evans draws attention to the intersection of women's leadership and corruption, revealing how women rise to power despite entrenched machismo, with frustrations at entrenched corruption playing a pivotal role.

Mark de la Iglesia emphasizes that legal cases against former heads of state, commonplace in healthy democracies, illustrate a robust rule-of-law tradition. The United States, with its independent judiciary, is well-positioned to handle such complexities, potentially fortifying its democratic framework through accountability.That said that independence is facing more attacks than ever before.

Want some inspiration? Aainst a backdrop of global political unrest, Democracy Lighthouse collates insights from organizations around the world dedicated to reimagining and advocating for democracy, spotlighting the urgent need to safeguard democratic principles.

Scott Nakagawa challenges the binary view of democracy versus authoritarianism, highlighting capitalism's role in undermining popular democracy. He advocates for constructing democracy as a defense against not only authoritarianism but also the excesses of capitalism, urging a reevaluation of democratic goals.

Preserving historical records is crucial for democracy, as underscored by Burkhard Bilger. The frantic destruction of East Germany's secret police files after the Berlin Wall fell and the subsequent efforts to restore them serve as a stark reminder of the importance of safeguarding information against autocratic erasure.

Lastly, the persistent high inequality in democratic societies, explored through Joseph Stiglitz's notion that inequality is a policy choice, questions why democracies often fail to enact redistributive policies, particularly in the global South.


In their new book Jonathan Blake and Nils Gilman offer a timely perspective on navigating planetary challenges and their local impacts through innovative political governance.




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