
Accountability to Affected Populations in Times of the Pandemic

By TAI (Role at TAI)

The pandemic caused the global economy to slow down, which invariably led to a massive funding crunch for civil society organizations (CSOs). Moreover, given the scale of the pandemic, all CSOs have had to pivot their activities to respond to the challenges of COVID-19. All these factors have drastically changed the meaning and scope of accountability to affected populations (AAP) for donors, CSOs, and governments.

This issue of, titled ‘Accountability to Affected Populations in Times of the Pandemic,’ focuses on how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted accountability in the humanitarian, development, and risk reduction sectors. It brings together a wide range of articles from practitioners, researchers, and community leaders from across the world on how they have re-negotiated the meaning of accountability in this changing landscape.

The Transparency and Accountability Initiative (TAI)’S Head of Learning and Impact, Alison Miranda, and MEL Fellow, Zoya Belmesova, contributed to this issue.


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